Theatre Watch: Elf Lyons

The show is Horses - catch it at the Fringe in Edinburgh.

Theatre Watch: Elf Lyons

The new show from Elf Lyons is, allegedly, the first ever comedy show performed entirely by a horse.

Appropriately titled Horses, this is a show about play and the power of pretending - all performed by a horse called Treacle.

 Listings information

  • Show: Elf Lyons: Horses
  • Dates: 31st July – 26th August 
  • Time: 9.20pm
  • Venue Pleasance Courtyard - Above
  • Address: 60 Pleasance, Edinburgh EH8 9TJ
  • Price: Previews: £9 Weekdays and Weekend: £13-£15
  • Box Office: 
  • Website: 
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