Theatre Watch: Sophie Duker

The show is "But Daddy I Love Her - catch it at the Fringe in Edinburgh.

Theatre Watch: Sophie Duker

The new show from Sophie Duker is "But Daddy I Love Her".

In the show, Sophie argues for delusion, and that we should all choose hot wet fantasies over cold, bleak reality. Be bonkers, dream big, lose your damn mind! In this intentionally unhinged hour, delulu is the solulu. 

Sophie takes swings at capitalism and romance, laments her Catholic mother’s holy water habit, shares the crushing failure of her attempt to score a sugar daddy, and hops in and out of bed with A.I. 

Listings information

  • Show: Sophie Duker: BUT DADDY I LOVE HER
  • Dates: 31st July – 25th August (not 14th)
  • Time: 7.00pm 
  • Venue Pleasance Courtyard: Cabaret Bar
  • Address: 60 Pleasance, Edinburgh EH8 9TJ
  • Price: £10.00 - £18.00 
  • Box Office: 

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