Theatre Watch: Bi-Curious George

The show is Queer Planet - catch it at the Fringe in Edinburgh.

Theatre Watch: Bi-Curious George

In Queer Planet, drag king Bi-Curious George takes a raucous romp through the animal kingdom - the wildest and queerest kingdom of all.  

Two male humpback whales recently made world headlines for having gay sex.  But, did you know that clown fish change biological sex, giraffes have more homo than heterosexual sex, fungi have thousands of biological sexes and female Japanese macaques have intensely intimate sexual bonds with one another.  Queer Planet is about reframing our thinking around queer identities, de-centring ourselves and letting us get swept up in the freedom and fluidity of the natural world. 

"The word ‘unnatural’ has been weaponised against us for centuries but nature is undefinable, queer and fluid..." explains Bi-Curious George. "It defies binaries and breaks rules which didn’t even exist until we humans wrote them.  There is nothing more natural to me now than my queerness.  So, Queer Planet is my love letter to nature and to the queer community.  It is a rallying call for people to change the way they see the natural world and to reframe how we think about our own identities."

  • Performance Dates Wednesday 31st July – Monday 26th August 2024 (not 12th), 16:15
  • Running Time 60 minutes
  • Location Pleasance Dome (10Dome), Potterow, Edinburgh, EH8 9AL
  • Box Office Tickets are available from 

Follow Bi-Curious George on Instagram @bi.curious.george_drag

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