Theatre Watch: Ania Magliano

The show is "Forgive me, Father" - catch it at the Fringe in Edinburgh.

Theatre Watch: Ania Magliano

Ania Magliano returns to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe with her new show Forgive Me, Father. 

Forgive Me, Father takes an honest and introspective look at Ania’s impulsive behaviour and all-or-nothing personality, and explores in what ways her parents’ relationship and divorce have shaped her own relationships and infidelity.

The show will also see Ania divulge her obsession with her boyfriend's ex, the terrifyingly powerful vibrator she bought by mistake, the paranoia of connecting with an ex on the Samaritans helpline, and her fascination with celeb breakups.

Listings information

  • Show: Ania Magliano: Forgive Me, Father 
  • Dates: 31st July – 25th August (not 12th)
  • Time: 6:40pm
  • Venue: Pleasance Courtyard - Above
  • Address: 60 Pleasance, Edinburgh EH8 9TJ
  • Price: £10.00-£16.00
  • Box Office:

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