Theatre Watch: Alice Snedden

The show is Highly Credible - catch it at the Fringe in Edinburgh.

Theatre Watch: Alice Snedden

After years away from stand-up - due to the global pandemic and a lack of interest in being out late - Alice Snedden returns to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe with a brand new show. 

In Highly Credible, the New Zealand stand-up will cover the ins and outs of her last three years - from her car getting stolen to dealing with fertility issues.

We caught up with Alice for a behind-the-scenes look at the show.

This show is a return to stand-up after taking a bit of a break from the glamorous world of the comedy circuit? What is motivating you to get back on the stage and in the spotlight?

Money! But aside from the huge cash advance, basically just testing myself again.

I’ve been writing for other people for a while and I wanted to see what it was like to write in my own voice again.

It’s a huge shame that I have to be the person saying the words, but I’m doing it to the best of my ability and thus far enjoying it.

You've relocated from New Zealand to the UK. How's that transition working out for you?

Pretty good, so far, thanks!

I’m still looking for something to put my TV on, but other than that I’m happy with how it’s gone.

The flight here was great, watched Diane Lane in Nights in Rodanthe, so you won’t catch me complaining.

In this show, you're examining some of the key moments from your life in recent years? Is taking a show to the Edinburgh Fringe a more appealing prospect than therapy?

I take a two pronged approach where I do the stand up show AND I do therapy.

Hard to say which one gets more psychological traction, both run at a financial loss.

I don’t ever write to examine something specific, but I’m always interested in what themes tend to pop up, so maybe there’s some value in that - I’ll wait to hear what the critics say!

One of the topics that you're exploring is fertility. Particularly in the US, fertility and conception has become quite a hot topic? Is it possible to make fertility funny?

No, this bit of the show really bombs but I refuse to stop doing it because it’s in the blurb.

What do you hope that people feel when they come to watch Highly Credible?

I hope they feel compelled to recommend it to everyone they know. But in lieu of that, I hope they feel like I’ve not wasted their time/life and that it was worth it. 

Listings information

  • Show: Alice Snedden: Highly Credible 
  • Dates: 31st July – 25th August 
  • Time: 8.10pm 
  • Venue: Pleasance Courtyard - Upstairs
  • Address: 60 Pleasance, Edinburgh EH8 9TJ
  • Price: £10 - £15
  • Box Office:

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