Culture Watch: Sooz Kempner

The latest show is Class of 2000.

Culture Watch: Sooz Kempner

Sooz Kempner is currently on a national tour of the UK - the show is called Class of 2000.

The show takes a look at class though the lens of a teenage girl growing up during the turn of the century - inviting audiences to reminisce about an era of dial-up internet, boy bands, and questionable fashion choices. 

Tour Dates

  • 17-Oct-24 Brighton Komedia
  • 18-Oct-24 Guildford G Live
  • 19-Oct-24 Didcot Cornerstone
  • 23-Oct-24 Cambridge Junction
  • 24-Oct-24 London Leicester Square Theatre
  • 25-Oct-24 Swindon Arts Centre
  • 31-Oct-24 Milton Keynes The Stables
  • 07-Nov-24 Bristol Hen & Chicken
  • 08-Nov-24 Hemel Hempstead Old Town Hall
  • 09-Nov-24 Cardiff Sherman Theatre
  • 14-Nov-24 Hull Social
  • 15-Nov-24 Leeds Wardrobe
  • 16-Nov-24 Salford The Lowry
  • 17-Nov-24 Sheffield Leadmill
  • 22-Nov-24 Birmingham Glee
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